
Welcome to the “Quantum Optics – Atoms” group, led by Antoine Browaeys. We are part of the Laboratoire Charles Fabry (UMR 8501 of CNRS) at Institut d’Optique.

Our research focuses on experimental studies of the effects of dipole-dipole interactions in strongly correlated systems of a few atoms.


April 2024: New lab members, as M2 interns join us! Guillaume Tremblier will work on the light scattering Rb setup; Yannis Bencherif will work on the Dy setup; finally, Romain Martin joins the Rydberg team. Welcome to you all!

2 January 2024: Mu Qiao joins the group for his post-doc; he will work on the Rydberg experiment. Welcome, Mu!

1 December 2024: Lukas Klein joins the group for his PhD; he will work on the new Rydberg setup. Welcome, Lukas!

14 November 2023: Our Dy single atom trapping paper is now published in PRL, and is the subject of a synospsis on the APS website! 

28 September 2023: Our spin-squeezing paper is now published in Nature! Check it out here!

7 March 2023: We welcome two new Master students, Bastien Gély and Valère Sautel, who will work on the Rydberg project and on the Nanocloud project, respectively. Welcome, Bastien and Valère!

2 March 2023: Our latest paper on the Rydberg setup, entitled Continuous Symmetry Breaking in a Two-dimensional Rydberg Array, is now published in Nature! Check it out here!

News archive (2016-2022)